Mission Statement
To empower women and families to make life-affirming choices when facing unintended pregnancies, to minister to the needs of women specific to pregnancy, and to show the love of Jesus Christ through extending grace, speaking truth, and building connections in a compassionate manner.
Who We Are
Sumter Pregnancy Center is a pro-life, Christian, nonprofit ministry dedicated to saving the lives of the unborn and enabling women to make life-affirming choices for themselves.
We offer confidential & free assistance to any woman facing pregnancy, planned or unplanned. We know pregnancy can be scary and extremely stressful and often comes at a difficult time; that’s where Sumter Pregnancy Center comes in.
Our trained staff is ready to provide any woman with confidential help at no cost, thanks to our generous community support.
Our History
Sumter Pregnancy Center was founded in 1991 as Light of Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center. Although our mission has remained the same, in 2012, our name was changed to remove assumptions made by potential clients. We can’t help a young woman who doesn’t know what to do about her pregnancy if she won’t walk through our doors because of a preconceived notion that we have a religious agenda.
On one of our counseling room walls, we have a piece of art that reads “faith, hope, love.” It is a popular statement, but it means much more to us. Because of our faith, we want to offer hope and love to the women that need us.
In 2016, we planted deeper roots by purchasing a building. We paid the building off through faithful donors at the end of 2020. Being debt free has allowed us to offer more material support for clients and reach more women through marketing.
Our Center provides the following free and confidential services:
- Laboratory-rated pregnancy tests
- Accurate abortion information
- Pregnancy options information
- Adoption information and referrals
- Community and medical referrals
- Baby items and maternity clothing
- Parenting classes
- Post-termination support
- Limited ultrasound (proof of life)
- Spiritual support
Kristin Hallal, Director
Chrissy Ehlinger, Client Advocate
Karen Vining, Office & Volunteer Manager
Board of Directors:
- Liz Patrick, Chair
- Kevin Massey, ThD, Vice Chair
- Gwen Lee, Secretary
- Tara Davis
- Michael DeCosta
- Kaylee Goff
- Darlene Sparks
- Paul Tower
- Frank Shuler, Counsel
- Chris Mahr, MD, Medical Director